BDIX offering the top-tier BDIX server series for local visitors. Details
Website Security

Get peace of mind by taking action
to secure your site.

Get the tools you need to help protect your site:

Website Security

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Frequently Asked Questions

Website Security lets you set up your site’s security scanning frequency, install your SSL Certificate and monitor your site for malware and other online security threats — all from one dashboard.

Your SSL Certificate is built into the Web Application Firewall (WAF) that’s included with Website Security.

Yes — while an SSL certificate encrypts data being transmitted to and from your website, it doesn’t protect your site from other vulnerabilities, such as malware, SQL injections or DDoS attacks. By utilizing both an SSL and Website Security, you are taking steps to help protect more aspects of your site.

A WAF is a cloud-based firewall service that screens and helps protect your real-time website traffic from threats like SQL injection attacks (malicious data that essentially tricks your site into doing something it shouldn’t) and DDoS attacks (crashes your site by overwhelming it with a flood of automated traffic). WAF only takes a few minutes to set up and is the front-line defense for your site in between Website Security scans.