If you would like to report internet abuse, select an option below to begin your report. Please provide the required details so that our team can research your complaint. If you submitted a report via email and were directed to this form, your submission is not complete. In order for us to successfully process your inquiry, you must complete the form below and provide the required details.
A website that is posing as another website, requesting personal information, or promoting, encouraging, or engaging in scam activity.
A site hosting a computer virus or other malware. A site that promotes, encourages or engages in computer or network hacking or cracking.
A site that promotes, encourages or engages in child exploitation or abuse of children, including grooming.
Spam as a Delivery Service
I received an email or text directing me to a website requesting personal information, or promoting, encouraging, or engaging in scam activity.
Inappropriate Contect
Terrorism Explicit Violence, Incitement to Violence Pharmacy or Illegal Drugs Sensitive Personal or Financial Information (Social Security, Credit Card, Doxxing)
We have been fighting phishing, botnet, malware, and other forms of abuse for more than 20 years and we have robust procedures and tools in place to help prevent and mitigate such attacks. Specifically, our team utilizes advanced technologies and collaborates with security companies and independent experts, law enforcement and other government agencies, and industry working groups to combat this type of abuse. Our Universal Terms of Service precludes customers from using our services for phishing, malware and related abuse and gives us broad discretion for taking action.